One Roof is ODAC's initiative for supporting and encouraging the arts and homelessness activity within our community. The brainchild of local artist David Tovey, it began as a two-week festival in January 2023, it now in its third year has expanded into a year-round programme of courses, project grant opportunities, mentoring, and open space to create, collaborate and celebrate each other's work. Programme Manager Claire Rivers has nurtured the project from the very beginning and continues to co-create its identity with the community.

Term 1 will feature a series of morning workshops in different styles of stop-motion animation, led by Stephanie Griffiths of SomeString Different: a returning facilitator to One Roof for the past three years, Stephanie is looking forward to broadening the scope of One Roof animation outside of her popular string animation workshops, and passing on her skills in other areas. Afternoons will be theatre-based creative exploration workshops, led by Response Ability Theatre (RAT).

We are also delighted to announce a partnership with RAT in the coming months, with CEO Nell Hardy on loan to the One Roof Programme as our Year 1 Creative Producer. Working closely with One Roof Programme Manager, Claire Rivers, Nell will be using her extensive skill and experience in trauma-conscious and survivor-led work to ensure that the One Roof programme is an inclusive and authentically co-created endeavour. We feel extremely lucky to have her on board. 

The 2025 One Roof Festival went down an absolute storm, with participants, facilitators, staff and guests alike all celebrating a fantastic two weeks of creativity and community. The best part of this is that unlike in the past - when we lived from festival to festival - we now have the support and funding to run workshops (for artists with experience of homelessness) throughout the year too! That’s right - Fridays at ODAC are going to be our One Roof Programme days, offering a morning and afternoon workshop every week, with a diverse and ever-evolving series of sessions, based on feedback from this year’s festival. We’ll be announcing these to the community term-by-term and are delighted to reveal that our first term of courses is now in place! We are running two strands for each 6-week term, one of which will be focused on either visual arts, theatre and performance, or creative writing and with a contrasting session running alongside it, in order to offer plenty of choice to our attendees. In addition to this, the One Roof producers will be on hand for 1:1 mentoring and advice sessions, and an open-door approach to visitors who just want to pop in for a chat and a cuppa. 


Sign up below for the first term of classes. The term runs from 14th March - 25th April (no classes running on 18th April). You can sign up to the whole term or specific classes. If you have any questions, you can email Claire and Nell on or call the ODAC reception on 0207 383 0727.

With thanks to The Linbury Trust, Arts Council England National Lottery Good Causes, The Tedworth Charitable Trust and our other generous donors.